
Apartment Cleaning

Apartment Cleaning

We pride ourselves on our cleaning process. Our goal is to build trust with our customers to ensure satisfaction down to every minor detail. This process, called shift-focused cleaning system continues to show success in each and every clean.

What is the apartment cleaning process?

We begin with a detailed two-step deep clean process. Firstly, with a housekeeping team conducting a thorough clean as the kitchen and bathroom receives their own unique type of special attention. Secondly, the detailed cleaning will be focused in the bedroom and living room. We’ll maintain this shift-focused process throughout the home by continuing the cleaning on a rotational principal.

Utilizing safe cleaning products, with each clean the following benefits will be provided:

  • Bathrooms Dusting, mopping & drying of floors, toilets disinfected, bathtubs/showers cleaned, mirrors, shower doors & chrome fixtures cleansed.
  • Sleeping Areas General dusting, wiping of all surfaces, floors cleaned (vacuumed/mopped), cleaning of doors and frames.
  • Living Areas General dusting, floors cleaned, surfaces cleaned, general spot cleaning, under couches & side tables dusted.
  • Kitchen Appliances cleaned/wiped, countertops wiped/cleansed, sink (including chrome fixtures) cleaned and disinfected thoroughly.